Empstat is a consultancy focused exclusively on labour market issues. We have extensive experience on measurement and analysis of labour market issues, covering statistics, analysis and research, as well as advice on labour market information systems.
Job creation is widely regarded as a lasting means to enhance livelihoods, as encapsulated in Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Providing better opportunities is also at the core of a more sustainable world. This interlinks with climate change and a just transition, which is what motivates our work at Empstat.
Understanding the wider labour market is key to effective and evidence-based policy-making. It is also necessary to comprehend the complexities of labour market impacts of different policies and interventions. This requires expertise and knowledge of concepts, definitions and measurement tools.
Empstat provides clarity and support to help improve the measurement and analysis of jobs and employment. We can help design and better-implement programmes and policies with a view to improving labour market outcomes.
Richard Horne has been working with labour market statistics, analysis and research for more than 15 years. He has worked with international organisations, governments, companies and impact investing entities. Areas of interest include labour market information, international labour migration statistics and measurement of green jobs.